Jul 22

Bobby Wins a Ribbon!
Wow, no one was more surprised than me when I walked into the So.SF Art Show Saturday afternoon and saw this big ribbon next to my painting. 

Congratulations to Shirley and Mary, too.  -Bobby

It’s available on Amazon. I’ve had good results using the blue, but it looks like it also comes in black which has mixed reviews. -Lois
Clover "Chacopy" Tracing Paper
(It seems to also be available at all online art supply sites, except Blick.  And on sewing and quilting supply sites .-Shirley)
Clover Chacopy Carbon Tracing Paper

Connection Through Arts

The Fourth Interfaith Art Exhibition Biennial, 2017
The theme of the exhibition is “Collaboration and Connection” in which we aim to encourage artists to connect with other artists and collaboratively create artwork for the exhibition. We are seeking artwork that expresses a commitment to interfaith understanding, coexistence, peace, and cultural dialogue. 
Reception: Dec 03
Exhibition: Dec 03 - Feb 24
Participating artists shall bring their artwork to the exhibition space at ICCNC at 1433 Madison St., Oakland 94612 on Nov 18 or 19 between 10 am - 4 pm and help install their artwork at their dedicated exhibition space. 
Call for Art Proposals
-Thank you, Heather

World Watercolor Month - Observed Annually in July

Watercolor (watercolour, aquarelle) is a beautiful medium that has captivated people around the globe for centuries. Today, artists are producing amazing paintings each day, and sketchers have popularized the medium as a wonderful way to add life and color to drawings of the world around them.
Charlie O’Shields, the creator of Doodlewash, is the founder of World Watercolor Month.
You can find out some reallly interesting stuff on the net. -Shirley