Oct 20

Jesse's Open Studio

Sanchez Studio Artists' Open Studios, which will begin with a Preview Party on Friday, Nov 2, from 6 to 9 pm, and continue on Saturday, Nov 3, from 11 am to 5 pm. Twenty-seven artists will open their studios. Come meet the artists, see their studios, and browse the artworks, which include painting, printmaking, jewelry, encaustic, sculpture, photography, textiles, and mixed media.

Sanchez Art Center is located at 1220 Linda Mar Blvd, about a mile east of Highway 1.

Oct 13

How To Improve Your Composition
Since this is the main topic of our Tuesday group, I thought you all would be interested in one way to look at how you might be able to work on a painting that you are just does not satisfy you.
This is using a landscape painting as an example, and acrylic as the medium, but it has very useful information for all types of watercolor paintings, as well.
In this video critique, Bob Davies (from the Art Tutor blog) makes adjustments to a acrylic landscape by Cliff Roper to help improve composition. With a number of useful tips, this video will help you to understand how best to lead the viewer's eyes through your painting. 
Member Artwork Critique: How To Improve Your Composition

Oct 06

Drawing Inks
"Good, old-fashioned drawing ink from our iconic little bottles. Fast-drying, water resistant and transparent - they can be used with a brush, dip pen or airbrush. We've created 26 colours, including Liquid Indian Ink - a water-based solution of traditional Chinese stick ink. All the colours are intermixable and you can overlay different colours for new effects and shades."
A nice color chart to have handy!
Drawing Inks from Winsor & Newton

Keiko Tanabe and Thomas Schaller
Here Schaller and Tanabe share their experiences and understandings of watercolor supplies – the essential quartet of paper, pencil, pigment and brush – and unpack a bit of the magic and mystery behind how they put the four together for their own perfect mix.
How They Choose Their Watercolor Supplies

Create Wildlife Paintings
Wildlife PaintingsArtists with an interest in creating wildlife paintings can take heed of this focus and spend quality time observing their environment and recording it with any and all materials that call to them. In fact it might be your natural world and how you interpret it with your materials that could lead you to your next breakthrough in terms of your art materials.
Wildlife Paintings with 6 Tips