Jan 28

Valentines at Creightons

Tuesday, we will pick our recipient for the first Valentine!

For the month of February, we are giving each other paintings.
Each of us will create a little painting for one other person at the table. 

Here are some ground rules, but it's pretty flexible:

You have to show up to participate. We talked about other arrangements, like mailing them, or setting up exchanges for absent times, but I am nixing that. The artist and the receiver both have to be at Creighton's to get the opportunity to participate.

Each piece must by 4" x 6". I am thinking it would be an interesting group of work to see at the end.

We will show each person's work, just like usual.

If the artist cannot attend the next week, they can either forfeit on the day of assignment, or hold the piece until the next time they do come.

If the receiver cannot attend the next week, the artist will still show the piece. She can then either give the painting to me to hold, or hold onto it herself. If any "he's" participate, please do not feel pronoun-excluded.

Please put your name and the receiver's name on the back of the painting. I've got a plan!

That's it. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeez - Have Fun with this.

Color Mixing

ArtTudor has a blog that has some interesting articles. This one is about Color Relativity and it seems to be a topic that has been coming up recently. Although written for oil paints, it works for watercolors, too.

Jan 21

Mary at the CWA Show
Some pictures from Roslyn

Today’s opening of “Mary’s Show” (The California Watercolor Association National Exhibit in Pleasanton) was festive, well-attended and the paintings on the wall were varied, accomplished and inspiring. Mary was in good company!
Congratulations, Mary! -Roslyn

Watercolor Framing Alternatives
Most of the following videos are about a waxing technique.There is a lot of repeat information in the first 5 videos, but each one has a bit of new info. There are different levels of care and approaches.
Wood Panel Mount with a Waxed Finish
Protect And Present Your Watercolor Without A Frame
How to Present Watercolors Without Glass or Frame
Watercolor with Birgit O'Connor: Framing Without Glass
How to Varnish a Watercolour Without Glass
This is specifically focused on protecting journal paintings
No need to frame watercolor
This one is by a professional framer and very complicated, but impressive
How To Mount & Frame Works on Paper, NOT Behind Glass

Jan 14

Avelina loves these paints and discussions around them keep coming up on at Creightons. So, here is some information about them, if you are interested in delving deeper.
QOR Colors
Review and Demo (one person's opinion)

Painting Figures
The other topic that often comes up is about adding a loose representation of people into the painting. There are a lot of videos, here are just a few:
Don Andrews (Fleshtones, might be new for Marjorie)

Jan 07

Schedules for 2017
The Bernal Heights Public Libary and the Garden Room schedules are permanently posted under the tab marked "Schedules".

Schmincke Watercolor Chart
Hi, I wondered if you had ever seen this.
What I like best is the chart with the colors shown on the color wheel by hue and tone. 
Schmincke Watercolor Chart