Nov 23

Manganese Blue

. . . Although manganese dioxide is naturally occurring and used in early prehistoric paintings, it is a dark earth tone bearing no resemblance to the colour we now know . . .
Manganese Blue

An Art History Glossary for Artists
. . . Any visual artist knows they don’t have to say a word when it comes to describing their art. Sure, let the art speak for itself. But it doesn’t hurt to have a glossary of art terms that could be applied to any given piece of art . . .
An Art History Glossary for Artists

Nov 16

Call for Entries

San Francisco Botanical Garden 
From Sand Dunes to Forest: Canopy Trees of Golden Gate Park
Helen Crocker Russell Library of Horticulture
1199 9th Avenue, San Francisco, CA 94122
April 2 – August 31, 2020
Learn more!

Nov 08

Jessica Shepard

Recontextualising botanical art through sound, publishing and painting.
One of the things that intrigues me about her is her use of sound. She spends great amount of time recording the sounds of the area where she sketches her plant-life. These recordings are playing as she paints each piece and are often playing at her exhibitions. So as you are viewing her pieces, you are immersed in the sound of the  locality, as well.

Inky Leaves Blogspot - a great compilation of all that she is accomplishing.
Podcast - a series of conversations with other artists.
Bare Necessities - an activist movement about the importance of plant-based everything.
Inky Leaves - her website.

Nov 02

Andrea LoPinto - Botanical Exhibition