Mar 25

Call for Entry
Just a reminder to fellow artists that the San Mateo County Fair is quickly approaching. The fair will run from June 10 - 18 this year. 

All entry forms need to be in by May 9. All art entries are $10 each. A printed guidebook is at the Event Center Office at 2495 S. Delaware St./ San Mateo 94403. Also, check your local main library or community center.

The online guidebook can be seen at How to Enter Your Stuff and it will take you to the Fine Arts Galleria. Remember, this is open to anyone---you don't have to live in San Mateo County. We get entries from as far as Japanand Germany.
Thank you, Jesse.

Mar 18

Ivan Aivaovski

I was just introduced to this painter and found his renditions of sea and sky strongly challenging to the ever-so-popular Turner. Hope you like the Cyrillic alphabet, or your browser can translate for you. And, the music provided under the first painting is a great soundtrack for the images.

Ivan Aivaovski

Ivan Aivazovsky - Wikipedia

Mar 11

Color Palettes

I have recently been expanding my color knowledge, so here are some articles that interested me:

Basic Watercolor Palette: 12 essential colors

A very basic article on how to use the color index 

Colours to Pick for a 12-pan Watercolour Palette

This is an article about the limited palettes for 5 different artists

An article on color mixing

Working with a Split Primary Color Palette

Everything you need to know about my watercolor palette

This person starts with a few basic colors and adds more according to their needs

Limited Palette

This guy works with 2 pigments and a white


An amazing site for the geekiest of us, especially this page about the history of artists' palettes

A List of Free Color Resources and Color Theory Information for Artists

More resources, if you are interested

Mar 04

The Grid
Hi y'all, 
Have you seen this? You can upload your reference photo and it will apply a grid, squares to your specification, and you can save a copy to print out. Seems like a time saver to me. Check it out. 
Thank you, Pam

Ever wonder . . .
And for the obsessive/compulsive viewer with a lot of time and patience, there is always . . .
How is a Chinese Brush is Made? A Step-bystep Demo by Master Xu