Oct 26

Marco Bucci
Marco is a great explainer of important aspects to creating artwork. He works in many mediums, watercolor included and I find his videos using any of his tools still get across the information he is presenting. If you check something out and he is working digitally, it does not mean you have to know Photoshop to get the point.
Here are just some of his videos:
Ambient Occlusion (and Ambient Light) for Painters
Understanding Shadow Colors (Ambient Light Part 2)
The Power Of Shapes
Art Improvement - 10 Minutes To Better Painting: Episode 7
This is his YouTube Channel, where you can find much more, including a link to his website:
March Bucci on YouTube

Reference Photos
Note: This is an advertisement for a priced item
Johannes Vloothuis is an internationally recognized painter, leading painting workshops & courses around the world. Over his many years of teaching and traveling Johannes has compiled an impressive library of landscape painting reference photos.
Johannes Vloothuis' Landscape Photo Reference Pack

Oct 19

How to Photograph Your Artwork (For Non-Photographers)

I have posted articles about this before, but this one has some good ideas that may be new for some of you.
"Even the best piece of art can look lacklustre if the photo is defocused, the lighting is poor and the outer edges haven't been cropped. "
ArtTutor Post

How to Erase Watercolors

A list of the tools and techniques you can use to "erase" watercolors and therefore build your confidence with the medium and add more flexibility to the way your work with them.
Beware the sanded eraser - it eats paper! -Shirley
Greenlear & Blueberry Post
Thank you, Pam

A Quote from Mary
“I think that the great part of creativity is overcoming fear. Fear is a given. When you sit down and have to begin something, don’t be afraid to be filled with fear because it goes with the turf."
This quote is from Jerry Goldsmith, the composer of the music for Chinatown and other movies:
Thank you, Mary

Oct 12

Shirley Trevena

"I have a sort of love-hate relationship with painting. I would rather do anything than start a painting: clean the oven, make lists or even do the ironing. But once I’m in the studio and the first marks are on the white paper, I go into a world of my own, oblivious of everything except colour and form. I find my creativity so hard to start up and even harder to walk away from."
Shirley Trevena - Talking about Painting

Yuko Nagayama
A leading watercolorist and teacher exhibiting and selling in galleries across Japan, the United States, and France, and she is featured regularly in Watercolor Magazine. She is currently a professor at Musashino Art University and presides over the Otsuka Atelier. 

Oct 05

Cafe Seventy8 Show
Here are some photos of the 9th show at this lovely cafe for the Watercolor Community of San Francisco. The show runs until Nov 01, check it out!
Enjoy and thank you, Heather