May 16 and 28

The Hang!
49 Pieces on the Walls
The group working on the Goat Hill Pizza did such a good job, I thought you might like a sneak-preview of what you will see at the reception.

Art was laid out on the tables, along with the set-ups.
Pieces waiting to be hung, on tables, chairs and against the walls.

There was much discussion and consideration and evaluation.

And hammering and measuring and moving about and adjusting.
And leveling and securing and generally making it all work!

It looks great among the tables and chairs and exit signs.

The show is a wonderful amalgam of all our friends and fellow artists and their work and creativity. It is just a really good show!
Come to the reception, please.
Sunday, June 05, 1 - 4 pm
Goat Hill Pizza - Potrero
300 Connecticut Street at 18th St, San Francisco
- Pizza and non-alcoholic beverages are provided by Goat Hill Pizza.
- Beer and wine is for sale at the restaurant. Please don’t “byob”.
Show dates:
Saturday, May 28 through Sunday, July 31

Virtual Art Museums
Through the Virtual Gallery Tour, users can virtually walk through the galleries of each museum, by clicking on the gallery’s floorplan. You can zoom in on a particular artwork to view the picture in greater detail.
This is the link to the site: Google Art
This is a link to Amit Sood introducing his project at a Ted talk, many years ago. It is much more sophisticated now and the interface has changed, but it will give you an idea of how it was conceived and built: Building a museum on the web
For more information: Google Art Project on Wikipedia

Art Exhibit
The Art & Photography of Margo Borsan exhibition at the Helen Crocker Russell Library.
"Her watercolors are really crisp and the embossed stuff was very interesting" -Janie D. 
May – August, 2016
Reflections: The Art & Photography of Margo Bors

Come out of Mourning (or delay it)
FLAX Pop-up Outlet Now Open on Market Street