Nov 11

Vocabulary Lesson
heather, verb, heath·er \ˈhe-thər\ : an act of re-purposing a watercolor substrate by washing away all but a ghost of all the hard work your put into it.
"I heathered an old painting that was just soooooooooooooooo awful and then painted this lovely thing on top of it."

New Logo
I designed this in black and white. It is set up for any color choices a heart desires. It is available to anyone that wants to use it in any size, format or transparency. 

Origami Pamphlet
Here is yet another way to create a booklet that requires no sewing, glue, etc. 
For a printable version, go to: Origami Pamphlet

5th Annual Show at Cafe Seventy8 Review
It's great. If you have a chance to stop by, I highly recommend it.
Here is a snippet from the cafe owner's email:
"I love the show! I just love how you guys evolve every year. Plus I really like the way you guys arranged it on the wall.
I sure hope, you will book again for next year, Anett"