Jun 13

Tuesday at Creightons - Jun 09
Hi, TACers,
17 - Use High Key Only
After satisfying hunger and thirst,
JOANIE started with a image of Lily of the Nile buds. Pale purples and greens were barely there.  She thought she should crop some and the group agreed.
MARJORIE did a lot of playing again.First was a blue-eyed white kitten on a watercolor postcard and we all went “awwww!”. She gently neutralized her pastel and tried white gel pen for fine whiskers and hairs which wasn’t as successful as she hoped so she finished with gouache.Her second was on a small canvas Joanie gave her. She gessoed it and then painted Joanie’s name and then gave it to her. (And it is already on my wall! Thank you!) Her third was ephemeral color on Yupo and because she was hurrying to dry it she got some interesting effects.
PAM brought a lovely framed piece of an Italian stone window that was bang on for the experiment and she said it was a breakthrough piece for her and she learned to work looser.  Her second was a tall church nave from the Czech Republic. It was all glowing goldy tans with a lace-like ceiling.  She used white gouache for highlights on the beams and columns for emphasis. There was a very tiny person to give scale.
SUE played with plastic wrap and a beautiful green blue for an oceanscape. We had fun telling her what we saw in it. She wants to add some iridescence.
SHIRLEY finished her first Muni map and now she is using the same map, this time with a small girl waiting for the bus with the grid done in blue. It was in high key but she thinks she will emphasize the girl more as she was a little lost.
AVELINA did her clay animals in pastels. Somehow she managed to make pastels colorful but she couldn’t wait to go home and make them brighter! She used her pickle fork to score the background for a cool texture. She did her Figure in Landscape on Yupo of Mother Earth giving birth to Nature. She used her fingers to paint. She was back to her richly colored palette.
JANIE didn’t do this one but she did bring back her completed waterfall for the narrow paper experiment to share and it is lovely, finished with a delicate pine branch. She plans to float it in a frame.
Next week: 38 - Compose with a Letter

Journeling, Indoor/Outdoor and More
These 4 videos are by the same woman, Gay Kraeger, and are full of ideas and techniques. It covers drawing, painting, typography, palette choices, composition. She is fun and informative.
Watercolor Sketching & Journaling - Part 1
Watercolor Sketching & Journaling - Part 2
Watercolor Sketching & Journaling - Part 3
Watercolor Sketching & Journaling - Part 4