Hi, Tuesdays at Creightoners,
It was a small group to begin with today.
- Carmel brought her beautiful book of Gary Bukovnik floral watercolors and several of us drooled over it. Thanks for sharing, Carmel.
Just a few of us did the assignment this week.
- Carmel did a landscape of flowers that layered back with beautiful purples, pinks and a pale aqua, all quite abstract.
- Shirley kind of did a double duty thing by using her time at the Painting Experience and created a big swirl of intense colors, mostly pinks, purples and blues, (did you and Carmel confer????) There was a burst of rays in the same colors behind the swirl. Apparently you shouldn’t remove paint from a piece at the Painting Experience as part of the process but Shirley admitted using her sleeve to secretly remove some paint! She was using tempera, which is also a water based medium. She will do almost anything to create her vision!
- Carole D. is home from Italy where she had a wonderful time. She did a landscape with lots of greens. She wanted advice about the front area, which was a bit dense, and got lots of good ideas.
- Peg came a little later and brought a figure in which she lifted with a paper towel and decided she liked the pattern that the towel accidently left on the paper. She also did a study in blues where she scrunched a dried hydrangea she was going to toss onto a wet blue wash, let it dry and then enhanced the result to good effect. She learned more about staining colors in the process. She shared some of her work from her Morris Graves retreat. She played with
mixed media and realized that she likes paper as much as she likes
painting. One of her pieces had some lacy rice paper included.
- Pam talked about a painting she had done of a horsetail that she didn’t have with her. She layered a staining yellow and green apatite genuine from Daniel Smith. It was framed at home and was a bit large to bring. She had a little piece of a woman on a lake in Zambia and wanted ideas on
how to handle a bright red shirt on the woman. Again, many good ideas.
- Joanie was preparing for her mid-term critique and over did it so she didn’t bring a piece for the experiment but asked advice in making her feather painting look soft and fluffy. As always, her tablemates offered lots of good ideas!
- Carmel brought a big bag of persimmons and several of us took some home with the intention of painting them. Thanks!
- Jeanette popped in to say hi near the end.
- There was a discussion of color related to transparents, sediments and stains. Here is Joanie’s list found in old notes which is mostly from Kay Russell. It is for reference and just a start. Do your own experimenting. Every list is a little different and many paints fit between categories. You can also go online to product websites for information or check the Wilcox color book although it isn’t totally up to date.
- TRANSPARENTS: Aureolin, Lemon Yellow, Rose Dore, Rose Madder Genuine, Cobalt Blue, Viridian, Burnt Sienna and Van Dyke Brown
- SEDIMENTS: Any hue of Cadmium Yellow, Naples Yellow, Cadmium Orange, Buff Titanium, Yellow Ocher, and hue of Cadmium Red, Indian Red, Venetian Red, Potters Pink, Cerulean Blue, Ultramarine Blue, Manganese Blue, Terre Vert, Raw Umber, Burnt Umber, Raw Sienna, Sepia, Payne’s Grey, Ivory Black, Daniel Smith ‘Lunar’ colors, Daniel Smith Primatek/Genuine colors, Daniel Smith Iridescents and Pearlescents
- STAINS: Alizarin Crimson (All Alizarins), Scarlet Lake (all Lakes) Winsor Red, Opera, Rose Tyrien, Permanent Rose (all Permanents), New Gamboge, Thalo/Winsor Blue, Thalo/Winsor Green, Antwerp Blue, Sap Green, Hooker’s Green, Dioxazine Purple, All Quinacradones.
Hope this helps….
Next week’s experiment: #10 Use only Wet Washes.
Until next Tuesday, Joanie