Well, it's official. Tuesday's at Creighton's is our name.
It was a short meeting today, things to do, people to see, etc. We showed off our work on different shaped paper: a 3-D mask, an ocean in a fishbowl and someone did four different versions. Freeing our surface from the rectangular opened up new and fun painting styles.
Some of us showed artwork from our distant past and it was interesting to see elements of current work viewed from long ago.
Mary talked a bit about her show and promised to bring in pictures, soon.
I noticed a poster about an exhibit at the San Francisco Zoo called "Washed Ashore: From Beach Trash to Ocean Art". I found this link for more information: http://www.visualnews.com/2014/06/19/creating-sea-inspired-sculptures-beach-trash/. There are other exhibits around, like at the Marine Mammal Rescue Center in the Marin headlands.
Next week's experiment:
#28 - Convey a Bright Day, pages 85 + 87
See you next week, Shirley
ps - we missed you Joanie