Tuesdays at Creighton's - Aug 12

Because of the enthusiasm and momentum generated during the summer, the two Tuesdays groups are merging.We were trying a combination of over-lap and alternate weeks and it's getting simplified.
Every Tuesday we will meet at Creightons at 10 am. Everyone welcome every week!

- For those of us that are working independently of any assignments, bring your work and show it.
- If you are working from Goldsmith's experiments, bring it and show it.
- If you have some of both, bring them all.

If you are new to the Tuesday group, it is composed of painters that embrace the support, motivation, good ideas and related news about watercolors. We meet at a coffee shop in the Diamond Heights Shopping Center and have a good time and value the comments from the fresh eyes of the group. Here are the details:
- Tuesdays at 10 am.
- Creighton's Bakery & Cafe
  5214D Diamond Heights Boulevard, San Francisco, CA 94131-2118
  (415) 282-2366 

If you would like to participate in the Goldsmith experience, it has proven to be a great way to get the juices flowing. His suggestions for ways to approach a painting encompass whatever subject or painting style you are interested in. Painters learned a lot about their habits, misconceptions, likes and dislikes, techniques, and a whole lot more. 

His book has approximately 60 "experiments." We randomly pick a number from an envelope, work on it at home during the week, and bring what we created the next week for the "show and tell."  Here are the details:
- Here is the link to the book we work from:
  Watercolor Bold and Free by Lawrence Goldsmith
  You do not have to get it from Amazon, this is just a way to see the book.
- Tuesdays at 10 am @ Creighton's Bakery & Cafe (same address as above)
- Because of busy schedules, some folks cannot make every meeting and just come when they can. We post the new assignments every week, so you can keep up while away or take a break, your choice.
- It's pretty easy-going. I do want a group that sticks to topic as much as possible. By 10:15 the conversation is directed to art, so if you want to catch up with folks you haven't seen in a while, come early or stay late, please.
- Try it, it's fun and challenging and Joanie puts out a great summary every week.