We are going back to OUR ROOTS - as a PAINT MANUFACTURER!
As you know, DANIEL SMITH started as a manufacturing company and has been for 37 years.
As you know, DANIEL SMITH started as a manufacturing company and has been for 37 years.
DANIEL SMITH paint is now available in retail stores throughout the
USA and around the world-we are bigger than ever and getting bigger all
the time. This has expanded our manufacturing exponentially and we are
now focusing entirely on this endeavor.
What this means to you, our valued and loyal customer:
- DANIEL SMITH PAINTS will be available in more Art Stores in the US and around the world.
- Our CATALOG/PHONE CENTER will close on October 31, 2014.
- Our E-COMMERCE SITE will focus on only DANIEL SMITH PAINT.
- DANIEL SMITH will continue to produce the very best, highest quality professional paints you know and love.
Our SEATTLE and BELLEVUE STORES will remain open and in
full operation. They will carry all the products they have carried in
the past and more. Our staff looks forward to assisting you in your
artistic endeavors.
THANK YOU so very much for your many years of loyalty to DANIEL
SMITH. We make the best paints in the world and look forward to
exceeding your expectations of our paint products.
Look for DANIEL SMITH paint at your local art store. If they don't
have what you are looking for, please request they stock it. Until they
do, please come to our website - you will find it there!
Best, John Cogley, President