Hi, TACers!
There wasn’t much distance between the 10 of us gathered around the table to look at eliminating distance. Several of us mentioned that this one was a struggle.
46 - Eliminate Distance
PAM started us off with three pieces, a leaf pattern in greens, next, an old door with a lock. Both were successful in eliminating distance. The third was swirls of color with her new fan brush and we couldn’t quit decide about the depth. When held farther away it vibrated! We all were reminded that it is a good idea to step away from your work once in awhile.
SHIRLEY is playing with “Zentangles” and created a piece with bright colors and lots of pattern. Some of the larger pattern pieces gave an overlapping effect which she tried to reduce with the pattern.
JOANIE did a simple abstraction of a cyclamen with pinks and greens.
LEE made a valentine painting for her husband with pale colors in paint and watercolor pencil. It had nice movement and was “romantic”.
SUE had gone wild with powerful colors and a starburst/anemone. It stimulated a discussion that had us all laughing. One of those “you should have been there” moments!
JANIE tried and tried but just couldn’t make it happen.
MARJORIE used her new paints and ink in an interesting abstract. She felt it was flat and boring and there were lots of ideas of how to “wake it up”. One was to put ore texture in the large whit spaces and another was to write a story in the white space.
An idea was to look at older paintings and identify depth or lack of it.
Round two was a “catch up” and sharing round.
AVELINA made a striking landscape of sun on the water at Princeton by the Sea with high contrast, preserved whites and white crayon.
SUE did another seascape using her new Sennelier ink. The skyline of SF was intriguing-ly done.
JANIE had a delicate painting of valentine hearts and she used a wax resist around the hearts to nice effect.
PEG shared two really nice figure pieces where she used scraping. It was subtle and worked well in the hair.
JOANIE shared her handmade book of work from Fall.
There was an interesting discussion about how we try to make sense of art with what we know of the world. The next assignment will challenge us with this!
Next week is 29 - Aim for pure Abstraction
Soon, Joanie