Hi, this is not Joanie. And I did not take notes on Scratching and Scraping. Everyone shared their work and insights and experience with commitment and bravery, as usual. The time ended on a somewhat philosophical note when we discussed the concepts of "copying" and "synthesizing".
There is some excellent work being done by this group and I thought I would take the time to share the Tuesday experiment with everyone who has not tried it out.
This is how I see Tuesday mornings at the coffee shop:
- We created this group to support and energize a desire to keep painting. It does this very well and so much more. Although not easy to reach by bus, a coffee shop with easy parking seemed a good place to meet. The proprietors are great, even though we take over about half of their shop every time we meet.
- Schedules, vacations, health, family and other issues can really challenge our time and energy. There are about six to eight consistently dedicated artists who show up every week and a whole bunch more that flow into and out of the group. Sometimes there is applause when a long-lost friend shows up.
- We span a wide range of experience, both the painting and life kind, different levels of confidence, and all sorts of technical and academic knowledge. The thing that really impresses me is how generous the group is with encouragement and knowledge. I cannot remember a discouraging word (and the skies are not cloudy all day) and the willingness to share a technique or product or book or whatever is needed, is boundless.
- There is so much information that is exchanged during our brief time together that it is hard to keep to one topic. We tried a little history lesson and some field trips and it was all successful and appreciated. It's a group that wants to learn and stretch and work at the craft.
- It's just a great group of people. Because we all have watercolors in common, there is a strong foundation to this community. I do enjoy the challenge of the weekly painting and I thoroughly look forward to spending time with the fun, smart, dedicated bunch that show up and go for it.
That's it. Enough effusive praise. If you want to try it, we work from a book called Watercolor Bold & Free by Lawrence Goldsmith.
Tuesdays at 10 am until 11:30 or 12
Creighton's Bakery & Cafe
Diamond Heights Shopping Center
5214 Diamond Heights Blvd
San Francisco, CA 94131
Next week: #46 - Eliminate Distance, pgs 121 & 123.
Hi, TACers!
Sorry I missed you all this week! Checkups scheduled awhile ago. Will be back nest week.
:o(( Joanie