Julie Karlsson and Daniel Smith / Seas and Skies
I found this article interesting because of of the tip at the end: If you ever need to reclaim lost white highlights, try using a fine tipped paintbrush loaded with Titanium White Watercolor Ground! A tiny bit of water can be added as needed to make it easier to apply those fine lines. You can also paint more watercolor over the Titanium White Watercolor Ground!
Daniel Smith Watercolors for Seas and Skies
The Focal Point in Art
The focal point isn’t just wherever the eye chooses to see. In paintings, we don’t want the eye to just choose to see what it wants to look for. On the contrary, it’s the painter’s responsibility to direct the eye, to orchestrate its movement within the painting through the usage of linear paths. After the artist has manipulated the viewer, they reward them using some or all of the these elements mentioned.
8 Ways to Create a Focal Point
The Color of Music
Kandinsky believed abstract painting was the best way to replicate the melodic, spiritual and poetic power found in music. He spent his career applying the symphonic principles of music to the arrangement of color notes and chords.
Using principles of music to advance composition and color
The Rare Blue the Mayans Invented
During colonisation native materials like Maya blue and cochineal were exploited along with every other resource of the land and its people in the New World.
Mayan Blue