Jul 28

Art Studio Playlists
Artists Magazine asked readers to suggest songs for the entire creative process, whether you’re warming up creativity or winding down from a seriously productive painting session. And their recommendations did not disappoint.
Get ready to add some new tunes to your art studio playlists. But be warned, artists, some of these may just get stuck in your head! Enjoy!
Songs for Your Creative Process

When the Rules Don't Work for You - Break Them
Eric Wiegardt on Breaking Composition Rules
Rules of composition and the theorizing that often goes with it are rigid and not all that helpful. Because the rules never seemed to fit his watercolor painting at hand, Wiegardt devised a simple process for evaluating his paintings that has worked well for him over the years and a way to focus in on an area of dominance to assure you catch a viewer’s attention.
Breaking Composition Rules

Thank you, Artist Network, for both links.