Oct 07

Tuesday's Child Plays with Painting Objects

Watercolor and Vellum
This is a perfect example of an internet "rabbit-hole".  Darlene sent me the original link to the DNA article and I just took off from there. Take a look.

1. This is an article about how artists are rediscovering vellum as a medium for watercolor, because it is an animal product and therefore has DNA coding in it. If an artist keeps a little piece of the vellum, they can prove whether the painting is real or a copy.
Artists turn to vellum to beat the forgers

2. Which led me to a great article about painting watercolor on vellum:
Watercolor on Vellum: a Workshop with Carol Woodin

3. Which is a blog created by:
Elizabeth R. Smith, Natural Science Illustration and Fine Art

And, of course:
4. Carol Woodin
Botanical Artworks

5. I then backtracked a little to "The New Antiquarian", The BLOG of the Antiquarian Bookseller's Association of America
The History Of Vellum And Parchment

All because Darlene sent me an interesting link, thank you very much.
This is the best way to spend a Saturday morning!