Jun 17

Muni Art 2018
MuniArt will be back in 2018 - this time, it'll incorporate poetry. In partnership with San Francisco Beautiful and The Poetry Society of America, we're supporting local artists and enhancing the transit experience for San Francisco's 700,000 daily riders through our Muni Art program. 100 Muni buses were converted into rolling art galleries, reigniting a successful relationship between local art and local transit. Muni Art.

There has been a lot of talk and play around a powdered pigment called Brusho. Here is a video about some of the things you can try out with this product:
Brusho® Landscape Painting Demo

Blick on Van Ness & Bob’s Donut Shop
Blick on Van Ness & Bob’s Donut Shop are partnering for a donut themed art show. The top 15 pieces voted on will be donated to the walls of Bob’s Donuts on Polk Street (San Francisco’s Best Donut Shop). Now accepting all submissions.
Max size 12x12”, must be donut or donut shop themed and ready to hang.
All submissions due Jun 30th. Bring artwork to Black Art Materials, 1930 Van Ness Avenue.

Thank you, Mary