Mar 05

Twyla's 20 Questions
On Tuesday, I mentioned reading a book by Twyla Tharp, called The Creative Habit: Learn It and Use It for Life. In it were 20 questions that she would answer, for herself, before choreographing her dances. She would refer to it to keep her focused on her original intention.

   "Creativity is an act of defiance. You are challenging the status quo. You are questioning accepted truths and principles. You are asking three universal questions that mock conventional wisdom:
- Why do I have to obey the rules?
- Why can't I be different?
- Why can't I do it my way?
   These are the impulses that guide all creative people whether they admit it or not. Every act of creation is also an act of destrution or abandomment. Something has to be cast aside to make way for the new.
   How to be lucky: Be generous, be prepared, always be working at your craft, be alert, involve your friends in their work, make others feel lucky to be around you, work with the best materials,surround yourself with the best people." Twyla Tharp

I adapted it for my own painting process and do not have her original questions, but here are mine. You might find it interesting to find your own questions.

What do I want to learn?
What kind of mood?
What kind of movement?
What is "attractive" about the image?
How much can I see?
What can I not see?
What time of day?
From what direction is the light coming?
What is the elevation?
What season is it?
What is the weather (temperature, humidity, wind)?
Where is the source (center, beginning) ?
How loud or quiet is it?
Am I looking up, down, across or straight on?
Why am I there?
How big or small is it?
Square, tall or wide?
What color predominates the palette?
What colors support or contrast with it?
Am I imagining it as today or tomorrow or yesterday?
How does it make me feel?

Kathleen Conover
Mary C. send me this link on the Daniel Smith site. 
Spring Thaw

Elizabeth Gilbert
I found this great video on TedTalks:
Your Elusive Creative Genius