Aug 29

Tuesday Artist
Dong Kingman - Shirley's choice
We took over Creightons and this is what we noticed:
- Complex Simplicity, cartoonish and sophisticated
- Reserved color palette
- He structured his paintings in a Lego block manner
- He cherished his whites and blacks
Next week: Ann Blockley - Joanie's choice
Up next: Avelina

Message from Peg
Attached to a following email is something I recently did with the Gelli. I continue to explore printing with water colors to help me become a better designer and to plan the impact of textures and layers.
I thought I would be able to attend the meetings this month but was waylaid. I am gone most of September (painting trip in Alaska and then Graeagle) so it looks I will catch up with the group in October. Miss you all, please pass on my kindest regards and admiration for what you are doing.

For Lovers of the Right Things
I found this video about travel kits that had so many useful little bits, I had to include it for those that have perfectly organized watercolor paraphernalia.
Homemade Watercolor Kits

Substituting Colors
An interesting and thorough (read “long") article about pigments and their characteristics in relationship to substituting one color for another from Ms Pam.
Substituting Colours - Be Careful What You Wish For