Video: Back to Basics
Choosing the Right Watercolor Paper
And Pam sent in this: Visual Compliments
Creightons on Tuesday
Jul 14
Hi, TACers,
We are nearly at the end of “Watercolor Bold and Free”
24-Let Painted Lines Dominate was the last experiment before the 4 Variations on a Theme.
CAROL D. shared an abstract landscape with beautiful greys and blue greens. She added inks in red and “sparkle”.
emulated Morandi with her painted lines that were drawn with a brush.
She had bottles and jugs in red and blue. Her second was a landscape
that had no pre-drawing, only painted lines.
MARJORIE is having
surgery next week (July 21) at the same time we will be meeting so send
her lots of good vibes!!!!!. She shared her new little journal. She
did a piano, a tree and a landscape all done I lines with lots of bright
color. She loved making shapes and contours wit only lines.
LEE did her garden in Healdsburg, twice, with lovely manzanita, their “pool” and a very pretty filigree screen.
is off on a new project where she is manipulating scenes of the City on
her computer in several ways and then translating into watercolor. She
has big plans for this one!
JOANIE tried scoring and scratching
her poppy stems to get that dark line but it didn’t work very well. She
also was inspired by a tile she saw and copied.
And now we are
doing the final four experiments. Can you believe we are almost
done??? Let’s have a great time with this one!!!
Next Tuesday: Four Variations on a Theme One
Jul 21
No Joanie, so a short note about our work:
The first step of the Four Variations seemed to be the hardest - figuring out what you wanted to do four times.
Heather divided a large sheet (yes, it was brand new) into four quadrants and plans to do the same scene in four different ways. I'm working on sample paintings of a new graphic view of San Francisco. Did not finish one, worked on all four. Avelina painted four versions of zebras. She will have a whole new stack of work if she keeps this up. Lee and Sue (if I missed someone, I am sorry, did not take notes and it's Saturday already) worked on some very cool pieces.
Next Tuesday: Four Variations on a Theme Two
We have the community room at the library form 10-12, Tues. Aug. 11th!