Jan 26

Rose Madder

The term Rose Madder is most commonly used to describe the colour made from the Madder Lake pigment which is a traditional lake pigment extracted from the roots of the common madder plant Rubia tinctorum.
The History and Production of Rose Madder Pigments

The Not-So-Still Lifes of Watercolorist Dawn Clements
Dawn Clements draws and paints her surroundings, moving from one viewpoint to the next with an intense eye and a sure hand over days and weeks. The works become cumulative, not only as observations but also physically, as the artist adds sheets of paper to incorporate each new area of her subject. Gradually, they grow to become very large pieces, some more than 20 feet long.
The Not-So-Still Lifes of Watercolorist Dawn Clements

Jan 19

How to Photograph Your Artwork 

(For Non-Photographers)    
Here are the three step you need to do take a photo that does your artwork justice:
1. Start With Good Lighting
2. Make Sure it's in Focus
3. Edit Sparingly... But Do Edit
For more detailed information go to:
How to Photograph Your Artwork 

Arts in Embassies program

Submitted by Mary - My friend Betsy Gandy, a painter I know from college days, told me about this program. Her paintings are currently on display at the US Embassy in Guatemala.  Registering your work does not insure that it will be selected. If it is selected it is on loan to an embassy who may offer to buy or sell it.  

Here is the website and the application procedure:
Arts in Embassies
Thank you, Mary

Jan 12

How to Establish a Mood
We are playing with different ways to create mood on Tuesday mornings, so I thought this might be interesting.
How to Establish a Mood for More Impact

Jan 05

The Codex Book Fair
The CODEX book fair is coming to the Craneway Pavillion in Richmond Feb 3-6. There are usually lovely books with watercolors, including Andie Thrams, a California-based artist using  watercolors in wildland forests to create paintings and artist’s books that explore mystery, reverence, and delight. 
Thank you Laurie W.

Printing on Watercolor Paper
There has been some an interest about printing out an element of a composition on watercolor paper so that the work can be repeated without having to redraw the concept each time. It's possible to do this yourself with specific equipment, but not the kind of printer usually found at home.
Heather has found a shop that will print on 140 lb watercolor paper. They do not have it on stock, so bring your own.
Call to them before you visit, if you want them to do it while you wait.
Ibarra Brothers Printing - 415 826 6700 - 1009 Valencia St.
Thank you, Heather

Paul Klee Oil Transfer Technique 

I found this video interesting, with a lot of possibilities.
Oil transfer drawing technique