Jan 30

Watercolor Pencil Comparison
10 brands

Jan 23

Newish Product
Winsor & Newton Watercolor Markers 

Art Supplies in San Francisco
Because of the separation anxiety caused by the revered Flax, I decided to find other art stores in SF. I was surprised by the number of stores in the city, and discovered some I had never heard of. If my search had included "crafts", the list would have been tripled, at least.

Flax Art & Design
Artist & Craftsman Supply
Blick Art Materials
ARCH Art and Drafting Supply
Artsake - 3982 24th St (no website)
Maido Stationery & Gifts
Art Primo SF
Aaron Brothers Art & Framing
50 Thirteenth Street - 50 13th St (no website)
Douglas & Sturgess
The Hobby Company of San Francisco

Jan 16

Make your Own Markers
It was a long, convoluted route to this discovery, but thought it could be fun to try with inks and liquid watercolors.
Marker Maker by Crayola
This is a MUCH MORE detailed tutorial than the one on the product page: Crayola Marker Maker Play Kit
I have since found similar products put out by Dharma Trading for dyes, a refill kit by Crayola and another Crayola set with "Wacky Tips".
Mark to the beat of a different drum!

"If you feel safe in the area you’re working in, you’re not working in the right area. Always go a little further into the water than you feel you’re capable of being in. Go a little bit out of your depth. And when you don’t feel that your feet are quite touching the bottom, you’re just about in the right place to do something exciting." -David Bowie

Article - Creative People’s Brains
Creative people’s brains really do work differently
Thank you, Linda H.

Jan 09

Flax Moving to Oakland

Market Street location is closing, Fort Mason is permanent and the new store is across the bay.
Link to SF Gate article
Link to SF Magazine article