Dec 26

Check out a 271 year old Dutch color sample book:
Actual Book
Thank you, Pam, my most prolific contibutor

Anders Zorn at the Legion of Honor
Sweden's Master Painter
November 9, 2013 – February 2, 2014

Vocabulary Lesson Appended
If you have incorporated "heather" into your vocabulary, you may want to expand your usage.
root word = heather, verb, heath·er \ˈhe-thər\ : an act of re-purposing a watercolor substrate by washing away all but a ghost of the hard work your put into it.
"I heathered an old painting that was just soooooooooooooooo awful and then painted this lovely thing on top of it."
addendum = half-heather, verb, \ haf-heath·er \ hahf-he-thər \ :  a partial act of heathering, usually accompanied by a sound of either distress or pleasure, made by the artist.
"I started to heather a painting that had gone terribly wrong, and realized that some of it was salvageable, so I yanked it out of the water and desperately attempted to stop the removal of all that paint."
addendum redux = heather-resistant, adj, \ heath·er-re·sis·tant \ he-thər-re·sis·tənt  \ :  an attempt at heathering that is stymied by the materials at hand or the watercolor gremlins.
"I tried to eradicate the muddy mess I had created by turning the high-pressure hose on it, but, alas, it was heather-resistant to my intention."

Dec 19

Query / Answer
What is your favorite black mix?
Great question! I look first at what colors I'm already using in a painting. If I can, I try to use colors already in my palette. The first black I remember Kay teaching was Winsor red and Winsor green. It's especially good if you want a thick rich dark that maybe has a hint of red or green. But I tried it once on a painting where my shadows were kind of purple and it was awful. I had to scrub it all out. I also really like indigo plus sepia. And ultramarine plus Indian red, though not quite black, can be amazing. And, surprising to me, indigo plus burnt sienna seems to go pretty black. I hate to think of all the combinations I'm forgetting about.
Mary B.

2016 Schedules

Quote of the Week
"I can always be distracted by love, but eventually I get horny for my creativity." -Gilda Radner

Dec 12

Quote of the week
“Everything is practice. -Pelé

Exhibit - Carmel Adams
California Watercolor Assoc.

CWA's 46th National Exhibition is coming January 05 to the Academy of Art University, Cannery Galleries in San Francisco.

Printable version 

Just found this website, haven't done a lot of exploring but it looks like a winner!

What is your favorite black mix? When your are looking for black with attitude and want to mix your own, what pigments do you use? Click here to answer. (

Vocabulary Lesson Appended
If you have incorporated "heather" into your vocabulary, you may want to expand your usage.
root word = heather, verb, heath·er \ˈhe-thər\ : an act of re-purposing a watercolor substrate by washing away all but a ghost of the hard work your put into it.
"I heathered an old painting that was just soooooooooooooooo awful and then painted this lovely thing on top of it."
addendum = half-heather, verb, \ haf-heath·er \ hahf-he-thər \ :  a partial act of heathering, usually accompanied by a sound of either distress or pleasure, made by the artist.
"I started to heather a painting that had gone terribly wrong, and realized that some of it was salvageable, so I yanked it out of the water and desperately attempted to stop the removal of all that paint."

Dec 5

Warning: Nothing to do with Watercolor
This is for lovers of old musicals and Bruno Mars - Mash-up

Upcoming Event
Meet at 33 Gough for Joanie's show, on to Flax and DeLeccio's
Tuesday morning, Jan 12

Exhibition: Mimi and Not Kay
Reception: Dec 11, 5 - 8 pm
Show runs: Nov 20 to Dec 31
Thank you, Lee